Areas of Oversight



The purpose of the site is to serve as a centralized hub to access all the resources related to FIU's institutional accreditation.

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Institutional Effectiveness

The Institutional Effectiveness team serves to support faculty and staff in using data to improve students' educational experience both inside and outside of the classroom. This website gives access to resources on assessment including: TracDat (reporting software), guidelines, tutorials, and general assessment information. Additionally, the Academic Learning Outcomes are available for undergraduate programs.

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QEP Badges

Quality Enhancement Plan

FIU’s 2021 Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), Critical Skills for the 21st Century, aims to enhance students’ preparation for the 21st century workforce by certifying students’ attainment of knowledge, skills, abilities, and values related to artificial intelligence, data, and emotional intelligence. The QEP seeks to close the gap between students’ career readiness and employers’ expectations in these areas.

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Program Review

Program Review is a systematic way to meet both the legislative and university intent to assess and improve the quality of education, research and service. APA provides guidance and tools for all units in the university to carry out program review.

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Cont Edu Thumbanil

Continuing Education

FIU offers a distinctive array of resources to simplify the next step in your career. Continuing education serves a diverse community and provides excellence through personal enrichment, academic and professional programs, both locally and globally. With our academic resources, innovative programming, capabilities and approaches, professional development is easier than you think.

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International Agreements

International agreements include student exchanges, dual degrees, and any other affiliations with international universities.

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Global Learning

Global Learning Initiatives

The Office of Global Learning Initiatives engages all FIU students in the process of collaborating with diverse others, locally and globally, to understand and address complex problems that transcend borders of difference.

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