
Quality assurance is a hallmark of higher education. A systematic review of degree programs should provide evidence that a degree program is educationally and economically viable and assists the university in being accountable to the public through a report to the Florida Board of Governors in the discharge of its statutory obligations.

In addition, a program review and its self-study document provide input to the Provost to determine the following:
  • Document how individual academic programs are achieving stated student learning and program outcomes within the context of the university's mission and the Florida Board of Governors' Strategic Plan
  • Monitor the academic programs' performance vis-a-vis national trends
  • Make necessary resource (re-) allocations
  • Inform strategic planning, program development, and budgeting decisions

The self-study document is part of a program review process that focuses on program performance, continuous program improvement, the identification of problems and solutions, and evidence of student learning outcomes. The self-study presents both an analysis and a description of the total academic program and its future. It must contain specific information on each degree program. The academic unit has the responsibility to develop the self-study. The departmental self-study team should include the department chair or designee, one or more senior faculty members of the department, and staff, as assigned. The college dean or designee needs to approve the self-study, as well as the Office of Academic Planning and Accountability (APA).

The document should not exceed 20 pages including the appendices, if any, and must follow the outline below.

Download the Program Review Template