Lei Guo

Lei Guo

Professor of Physics
Lei Guo is a professor of physics at Florida International University. He completed his B.S. in Physics at Peking University in 1997 and received his Ph.D. in Experimental Nuclear Physics from Vanderbilt University in 2004. Lei then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Hall B, Jefferson Lab until 2008 before moving to Los Alamos National lab and worked on physics projects at both the PHENIX experiment at RHIC and Seaquest Experiment at Fermilab. In 2010, he joined Florida International University as an assistant professor. He currently conducts research in hadron spectroscopy focusing on understanding of various hadrons produced with electromagnetic probes using data collected by the CLAS/CLAS12 collaboration at Jefferson Lab. With the large amount of data being collected at Jefferson Lab and the future electron ion collider at Brookhaven National Lab, our understanding of the strong interaction between gluons and quark, the building blocks of our visible universe, are expected to be greatly expanded. Florida International University is home to a thriving team of nuclear physics faculty members and students, who are ready to contribute to new discoveries.

"As someone who is committed to broaden the reach and representation of our field, I will work towards the increased participation in physics research as a whole particularly by undergraduate students, and those from traditionally underrepresented groups," – Lei Guo.