Faculty Resources is a one-stop shop for FIU faculty. You'll find many resources you may need or find useful. For more information about faculty resources, you can refer to the Faculty Handbook.

The University Differential Assignment Procedures are the guiding principles for a fair and equitable workload for all university faculty. However, each unit has developed college and/or discipline-specific guidelines (Differential Assignment Policies, DAPs) defining what constitutes differential assignments based on varying levels of research/creative activities/scholarship, teaching, service and administration within their policies. The unit policies are subject to a faculty vote and approval of the dean, with a required final approval by the Office of the Provost.

Tenure, Promotions and Appointments

The objective of tenure is to build a stronger institution by recognizing the meritorious performance of faculty. Promotions are recognition of the faculty member’s accomplishments, growth, and development as a teacher and scholar and as a leader in the areas of teaching, research, scholarship and service.

Assignment and Evaluations

In accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement and faculty policies between the United Faculty of Florida-Florida International University and the FIU Board of Trustees, the purpose of the annual assignments and evaluations are to assess and communicate the nature and extent of an employee's expectations and performance of assigned duties. These evaluations help ensure that assignments accurately reflect faculty workload and proper feedback timely feedback is provided to support faculty success.

Selection of Chairs and Deans

The Office of the Provost strives to achieve equity and representation among candidates for Faculty administrative positions. We are committed to establishing a transparent and consultative process. With these Guidelines, the Office of the Provost advances the principle of shared faculty governance.

Faculty Search and Screen

As a state university, we take seriously our responsibility to provide leadership in ensuring equal employment opportunities. These procedures help to further the mission of the University and to ensure the University's compliance with state and federal laws and regulations.


Panther180 is a web-based faculty activity reporting system. The system is used to record and publicize faculty achievements as well as serve as the centralized system for faculty assignments and evaluations, tenure and promotion, non-tenure track promotion, third-year review, sabbaticals and professional development leave applications.


HR and Employment

Development Leaves

Sabbatical Leaves and Professional Development Leaves (PDLs) are granted to increase the faculty member’s value to the university through enhanced opportunities for planned academic travel, research, writing, professional renewal, study, formal education or other experiences of professional value. Each of these opportunities is evaluated on the relevance and potential impact on the faculty member’s professional development. All approved leaves are contingent upon determination by your chair and dean that the unit can accommodate your absence in the requested semester.

Purpose, policy and procedures for Sabbatical and Professional Development Leaves are outlined in the CBA.

  • Professional Development Leave


    • All full-time faculty on non-tenure earning tracks (Teaching, Research, Clinical and Professional Practice), tenured out-of-unit faculty and out-of-unit administrators with at least six years of continuous service at FIU are eligible.
    • Faculty are not normally eligible for a second PDL until six years of continuous service at FIU have been completed following the return of a previous PDL.
    • For those faculty in administrative posts, once accepted, the faculty member must step down from the administrative post during the time of the PDL; plans to step down must be acknowledged in order to receive the professional development leave. 

    Types of PDLs

    • One-semester full pay or two semesters at half pay as outlined in the CBA.

    All aspects of the PDL application, including submission, review, and award notification will be conducted through Panther180.

    Please contact sabbatical@fiu.edu if you have any questions about the application process.

  • Sabbatical


    • All full-time, tenured faculty with at least six years of continuous service at FIU who will be in-unit at the time of application and proposed sabbatical.
    • Faculty are not normally eligible for a second sabbatical until six years of continuous service at FIU have been completed following the return of a previous sabbatical.

    Types of Sabbatical

    • Competitive: one-semester full pay (highly competitive) and two semesters at two-thirds pay. The number of sabbaticals is determined as per the CBA.
    • Non-competitive: two semesters at half pay are made available to faculty whose applications are deemed to be complete and demonstrate increased value to the university.

    All aspects of the sabbatical leave application submission, review, and award notification will be conducted through Panther180.

    Please contact panther180@fiu.edu if you have any questions about the application process.