Reporting Units

The following departments report to the Office of the Provost and support the success of faculty, students and colleges through dedication to innovation, excellence and improvement across the university’s academic enterprise.

  • Center for the Advancement of Teaching

    The Center for the Advancement of Teaching seeks to recognize and cultivate learning-centered, evidence-based and inclusive teaching.

  • FIU Global

    FIU Global is an institutional clearinghouse for global programs, initiatives, resources and policies and leads the institution's internationalization efforts.

  • Office of Academic Planning and Accountability

    The Office of Academic Planning and Accountability helps improve the effectiveness and efficiency of university operations and the quality of student learning.

  • Office of Faculty Leadership & Success

    The Office of Faculty Leadership and Success recognizes academic excellence and provides support, leadership opportunities and training for faculty.

  • Office of the Provost, Planning and Finance

    The Office of the Provost, Planning and Finance ensures the strategic and efficient management of academic resources for Academic Affairs, in alignment with FIU's strategic goals.

  • Student Success Operations and Integrated Planning

    Student Success Operations and Integrated Planning enhance and promote student success through data-driven strategies, fostering innovation and improving academic support.