University Assessment Cycle

The assessment cycles for the university vary according to whether you are reporting on an administrative unit, a core curriculum course, or an academic unit (including academic programs, certificates, and Dean's offices). The academic year for reports is defined as summer, fall, and spring.

For Administrative Units, including centers and institutes, the assessment cycle is completed annually.  Every year reports will include assessment plans (updated Outcomes and Methods) as well as Results data and Use of Results for Improvement based on these data. Starting for improvement actions reported in 2017-18, subsequent reports will require a Follow-up with documentation proving the improvement action was implemented.

Timelines are vary by area in order to best fit patterns for goal planning and the execution of improvement strategies. All academic programs and courses collect data yearly, create improvement actions based on two years of data, and report on the implementation of improvements after one year of developing them. All administrative units (including centers and institutes), operate on a yearly cycle to mirror the fiscal year planning and reporting they conduct internally.

A detailed description of the timelines are described below:

  • Academic Programs, Certificates, and Dean's Offices Timeline

    Assessment Planning (Pre-Assessment Cycle)

    • Define Outcomes
    • Outline Methods of assessing outcomes (this includes curriculum mapping to identify the courses that teach and assess learning outcomes)

    First Year Actions

    • Review/revise assessment plan and submit any revisions
    • Collect data
    • Review/analyze data
    • Submit Results (October 15)

    Second Year Actions

    • Collect data
    • Review/analyze data
    • Develop improvement strategies
    • Submit Results and Use of Results for Improvement (October 15)
      NOTE: Use of Results should take into account Year 1 and Year 2 results
    • Start implementation of improvement strategies

    Follow-up Actions

    • Submit Follow-ups and Related Documentation one year after second year actions
  • Core Curriculum Course Timeline

    Assessment Planning (Pre-Assessment Cycle)

    • Define Outcomes: ensure that they match the core curriculum category (e.g., Arts, Mathematics), designation as relevant (e.g., Gordon Rule, Global Learning), and course objectives outlined in the syllabus
    • Outline Methods of assessing outcomes: match outcomes to course assignments where competencies are measured

    First Year Actions

    • Review/revise assessment plan and submit any revisions
    • Collect data
    • Review/analyze data
    • Submit Results (October 15)

    Second Year Actions

    • Collect data
    • Review/analyze data
    • Develop improvement strategies
    • Submit Results and Use of Results for Improvement (October 15)
      NOTE: Use of Results should take into account Year 1 and Year 2 results
    • Start implementation of improvement strategies

    Follow-up Actions

    • Submit Follow-ups and Related Documentation one year after second year actions
  • Administrative Units and Center/Institutes Timeline

    Assessment Planning (Pre-Assessment Cycle)

    • Define Outcomes
    • Outline Methods of assessing outcomes

    Yearly Actions

    • Review/revise assessment plan and submit any revisions
    • Collect data
    • Review/analyze data
    • Develop improvement strategies
    • Submit Results and Use of Results for Improvement (October 15)
    • Start implementation of improvement strategies

    Follow-up Actions

    • Submit Follow-ups and Related Documentation after one year