Plan Templates & Submission

All data should be entered directly into TracDat.  In the case of assessment plans (outcomes and methods only), they need to be submitted to the Institutional Assessment team directly and reviewed before they are posted on TracDat.  Below are templates to help compose assessment plans and help in developing a full assessment report with data included.


  1. Download the templates below.
  2. Enter new assessment plan.  If there are outcomes and methods from previous years that will be used, please copy the information on the template.
  3. If you require more space, download another copy of the template and add the extra outcomes/methods.
  4. Click here to submit the completed assessment plan template.
    The IE team will review the assessment plan, send feedback if applicable, and confirm via e-mail once the finalized assessment plan is uploaded into TracDat.
  5. Click here to view status of your submission.

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